These images by David Foldvari have required a collection of different resources and influences to inspire and help create an intelligent response that identifies with and engages the viewer.
The idea being portrayed in this images might be targeting people who read newspaper articles that are of a certain political viewpoint, those people might be middle class and aged between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five years old.
The image of the man pulling off a mask to reveal a mask is quite chilling, giving the impression that there’s a cold calculating person wearing a balaclava with soulless eyes behind what you thought was just an honest investment banker.
This image of a vagrant nurse is a clever and witty attempt to make the viewer take notice of the political climate regarding the health care service. This is done with a cold kind of humour that is present throughout most of Foldvari’s work.
The information being given to the viewer, such as the shopping trolley, crusty old boots and a bottle of booze in a brown paper are visual clues that instantly enable us to recognise what the intended message is. This person is not just going to Sainsbury’s for a bottle of wine.
If you take away the stethoscope from the image, the text would no longer hold the same meaning. The words ‘will work for meds…’ mixed with the visual representation of vagrancy, imprints the idea that nurses do there job regardless of pay scales almost as if they will work for free just help society, which also implies there paymasters are soulless money eating jive monkeys.
Without the political and social situations like recession, housing market crashes, inadequate funding for health services, social and class divide there would be little need for the above images to explore and address these issues.
Interview with David Foldvari.
“It’s what I’m most into doing right now, as I get older I seem to be rediscovering and getting inspiration more and more from my past, which is based in Jewish / Eastern European roots, and with this kind of work, I’m just trying to be honest about who I am and where I’m from.”
“The plan is just to get in the car, and drive into Europe and see what happens. I will take everything I need to get on with my work with me, and collect/draw/write stuff wherever I stop…”
When asked about his artistic influences, David Foldvari said;
“Eastern European illustration and animation from the 60's and 70's. I’m generally more influenced by circumstantial stuff than by other artists.”
When asked what influences his art he replies,
“Anything that bugs me or makes me think in some way has a tendency to inspire me. I think maybe a lot of things bug me and doing what I do seems to be a good outlet for that.”
Accessed on 07/10/10@
Image1 taken from on 07/10/10
Accessed on 07/10/10@
Image taken from on 11/10/10
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